Can’t find the romantic songs of all time to serenade her? Relax! As you go on reading the article, you’ll find out the perfect songs to add to the CD. So, sing along.
And dedicate them all, to me
And I will give you all my life
I’m here if you should call to me❤
– Bee Gees, January 1968
You are madly in love with her. It’s as though, every song is being sung for you. ‘The Temptations’ to tell her ‘I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day, when it’s cold outside, I’ve got month of May’, is unfathomable. You want to sing every song to her, just to let her know how much you love her. Don’t know which song to pick? Can’t sing well? Or don’t have the musical accompaniment? Never mind!
Burn her a CD of romantic songs of all time to do the job for you. There are so many songs, that picking the top few is a difficult task but it’s not impossible! Nonetheless, we have compiled for a list of songs which will rightfully say what you intend to, to the love of your life.
List of Romantic Songs of All Time
These songs have a history of eternal love stories attached to them. Every lover, at some point of time has had an association with these melodies. These romantic songs will show you the meaning of love and romance, through its magical notes. So, make your playlist and watch a great love story unfold.