Playing the piano is a favorite hobby of many music enthusiasts and this article presents some popular songs that one would love to play.
There are innumerable paths of creative expression and for many people, music is the closest one. The immortal compositions of Beethoven and Mozart always leave us in admiration and evokes strong emotions within us. Such is the tremendous power of music, that it stirs the soul. Though piano is an instrument that is generally, not easily portable, and is expensive too, piano music is always a treat to the ears and soul. Learning to play famous compositions is a good way to start, as they can be heard frequently and practiced. Without understanding the basics of playing this instrument, we can just play one or two songs. So, instead of just rehearsing one or two songs, one must learn the basics of playing a piano.
Popular Piano Songs for Beginners
For kids, some of the easy piano songs like “Ode to Joy” and “Row, Row, Row your Boat” are considered the first step for beginners. Children’s poems like “Mary Had a Little Lamb” or “Jingle bells” are also popular. Many beginners are surprised when they’re told that they can even try Bach’s piano music, which was composed by legendary musician John Sebastian Bach. Interestingly, many compositions of Bach are simple in structure and they make a good learning base for students to learn more complex songs. Some songs that are easy to play on piano are:
♫ Fur Elise ~ Beethoven
♫ Sonatina in C ~ Muzio Clement
♫ When the Saints go Marching in ~ A US gospel hymn
♫ My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean ~ Scottish folk song
♫ Songs without Words. ~ Felix Mendelssohn
♫ The Pink Panther
♫ Scarborough Fair ~ Simon Garfunkel
♫ Greensleeves ~ Popular English ballad
♫ Au Claire De Lune ~ French folksong
Most Popular Piano Songs of All Time
♫ The Heart Asks for Pleasure First ~ Michael Nyman
♫ Can You Feel the Love tonight ~ Elton John
♫ Sacrifice ~ Elton John
♫ The Rain Must Fall ~ Yanni
♫ Reflections of Passion ~ Yanni
♫ Hung Up ~ Madonna
♫ Wait for You ~ Elliott Yamin
♫ The Yellow Submarine ~ The Beatles
♫ One’s Man Dream ~ Yanni
♫ All I Ever Wanted ~ James Brickman
♫ I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ ~ Scissor Sisters
♫ When I Need You ~ Albert Hammond and Carole Bayer Sager
♫ Listen ~ Beyonce Knowles
♫ I Can See Clearly Now ~ Johnny Nash
♫ You Light up My Life ~ recorded by Kasey Cisyk
♫ Nothing Else Matters ~ Metallica
♫ The Entertainer- Scot Joplin
♫ Don’t Get Around Much Anymore ~ Duke Ellington
♫ The Night Chicago Died ~ Paper Lace
The compositions of Beethoven, Mozart, John Elton, Yanni, the Bee Gees, Kenny Rodgers, James Brickman, and various other composers are great choices. You can play some songs that are timeless classics, once you become an expert in playing the piano.