Are you in search of some sad songs related to love? Then you have come to the right place. Here is a collection of some really good songs.
Sadness is part and parcel of life. Love, along with happiness, also brings hurt and sadness in our lives. A person in a relationship can be sad due to a number of reasons like loss of loved ones, breakups, unhappy relationships, long distance relationships, or even with those stupid routine fights. Sometimes, we simply tend to give up and prefer sitting in an isolated place, listening to some sad songs rather than feel-good songs. It might be this reason why there are hundreds and thousands of popular songs by various renowned artists.
It was really a Herculean task to compile a list of all the sad love songs. We have tried to enlist of some really popular and good songs for you. You can always refer to this collection when you are feeling low or missing someone!
Best Sad Songs About Love
While songs like You’re Beautiful by James Blunt, actually portray the sadness and depressed state of a person who is not able to be with the one he loves! This very fact makes it one of the top songs that will make you cry. Apart from the songs listed below, you can go through various online music libraries and find out the latest reviews for popular sad songs that were released.
Songs to top these lists include:
- No Way by Lady Gaga
- New Divide by Linkin Park
- When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus
- This is it by Michael Jackson
- You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi
Here is a list of some of the best sad songs that may soothe you to some extent.
You will find these songs everywhere on the Internet. If you feel we’ve missed out some, then please free to add them in the comments sections below so that we can have an extensive list.